Professional Development: Workshop How to Talk About Money at Work
Thursday, September 28, 2023, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT
Category: Events
RegisterThe gender pay gap – the difference between men and women’s earnings– has not changed in 20 years. Join us to build your knowledge & skills to talk about money at work. Equity is a top priority for many organizations today, as part of their DEI strategy. The gender pay gap – the difference between men and women’s earnings– has not changed in over 20 years. Startling statistics from the Pew Research Center tell us that, In 2022, women earned an average of 82% of what men earned. Female CEOs also get paid less according to a 2019 Bloomberg Study: Women executives on average earned $5.3M, 18% less than men. In June 1963, US Congress passed & President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act mandate: Men & women receive the same pay for the same work. 60 years later, we are far from complying with that legal standard. We continue to be puzzled at this essential corporate compensation task: why are women and men paid differently for equal work? Part of the answer is that men will negotiate and negotiate harder for more money. Women are underestimated and also, at times, understate their accomplishments. We are striving to elevate women’s skills to improve their ability in three ways through Pay Equity Trends, Workplace Compensation Trends, two executive spotlight interviews, skills building handout and two breakout sessions to discuss your live money conversation challenges.
We invite registrants to submit their “Money at Work” questions or challenges in advance of the session. Please send to [email protected], please include ‘Money at Work’ in the subject line. We’re bringing in several experts and invite you to join us to build your knowledge & skills to talk about money at work.
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